“Who Will Miss You When You’re Gone”

A reflection on life's journey.

In the quiet corners of my heart, where your memory resides,
I ponder on the question, as the evening tide subsides.
Who will miss you when you’re gone, when the final bell has rung?
When the songs of sorrow have been sung, and the last words have been flung.

In the first few days, they came, their faces etched with grief,
Their words, like soothing rain, brought a fleeting relief.
They spoke of you with reverence, of your laughter and your light,
In the hush of mourning, under the soft moonlight.

But as the days turned into months, and life resumed its pace,
The echoes of your absence found a quieter space.
The world kept spinning, the sun continued to rise,
And your name became a whisper, a tear in someone’s eyes.

Why would they remember, I often ask the stars,
Why would they hold onto the scars?
Perhaps it’s in the moments, when you touched a life, a soul,
In the hearts you mended, in the lives you made whole.

Perhaps it’s in the laughter, in the stories that you shared,
In the burdens that you lifted, in the ways that you cared.
You became more than a memory, more than a passing thought,
In the tapestry of their lives, your threads were tightly wrought.

Yet, in the silence of the night, a glimmer of hope shines bright,
A promise of a reunion, in the realm of eternal light.
For you were a believer, in the Savior’s loving grace,
And I find solace knowing, we’ll meet in that sacred place.

So, who will miss you when you’re gone, when the final bell has rung?
Perhaps those whose songs are yet unsung.
Those who found in your presence, a reason to believe,
Those who found in your absence, a reason to grieve.

And so, I pen this sobering thought, for those of us still here,
To live a life of meaning, to hold each moment dear.
For we are but fleeting shadows, in the grand scheme of all,
May we leave behind footprints, that echo in the hall.

Who will miss us when we’re gone, when our final bell has rung?
May it be those whose songs are still unsung.
Those who found in our presence, a reason to believe,
Those who will find in our absence, a reason to grieve.

And as we journey through this life, with faith as our guiding light,
May we look forward to the day, when we’ll reunite in His sight.
For in the heart of a believer, there’s a promise that rings true,
In the realm of eternal love, I will meet you anew.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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