The is the summarized version of the eBook. The full eBook with details and exercises is available from the link at the bottom of this summary, if you chose to go deeper. You can also download a pdf version of this summary from here.
To create your unique business, you have to embrace who you are. You have a story and there is an audience for you. In order to stand out from the crowd you have to build your own unique story. There are 8 steps to do this.
Step 1: What’s Your Why?
“Why am I doing this?” Flesh out your ideal situation.
This is the fundamental question which will see you through those times when things get too hard and you begin to lose motivation in what you are doing.
Step 2: What’s Your Story?
Write out your personal story. Your unique background will appeal to your ideal client in a way that no one else’s will.
Your story will resonate with those who have gone through similar life experiences. And you just might become their inspiration.
Step 3: What’s Your Mission Statement?
Write your mission statement. Your mission statement defines who you are, what you do, and for whom. It’s the point on the horizon that will keep you focused.
Step 4: What’s Your USP?
Define what sets you apart from all the other coaches, service providers, trainers, and product sellers out there? Why would someone buy from you, when there are so many other choices?
Step 5: Who is Your Ideal Customer?
You can’t be all things to all people. Narrow down who you want to serve. Understand their fears, struggles, needs and wants, and focus on fulfilling those areas.
Step 6: Create Products from Your Life Story
Your struggles are the ones your ideal Customer is struggling with. Turn that around by creating products which address those challenges.
Step 7: Share Your Story Authentically
Share from your heart and connect with your audience. Model the superstars in your niche and monitor your own engagement.
Step 8: Collaborate With Your Competitors
Leverage on the work done by your competitors. Work out a program which is mutually beneficial.