The Ships of 2022

It’s past midnight in Malaysia.
Social media is high gear;
With lots of graphics, gifs and cheer,
Welcoming the start of a brand new year.

For most, it’s time to start anew,
For there’s not much joviality in 2022;
For some, it’s a chance for recovery,
And hopes for prosperity in 2023.

Oh what a year it had been,
With leaders who are less than clean;
People struggling just to get by,
Our problems seem to multiply.

A sputtering start, plunged into uncertainty,
Questioning our future and security;
Sorrow and despair, pain and fear,
And wiping away that hidden tear.

Our ships were battered as never before,
With issues we could not ignore;
Issues of sickness, health and wealth,
And the introspection of ourself.

We turn to our maker,
Our very hope and our comforter;
With cries of supplication on our lips,
To face the realities of the 5 Ships.


The Ship of Hardship is in every harbor:
Testing us daily, and every hour;
On health and finance and such matters,
And dreams which are now in tatters

The Ship of Relationship runs deep and true:
With memories of loved ones there with you;
When the sun has set and lights the moon,
There’s pain of separation, some too soon.

The ship of Fellowship deserves applause:
Rallying together for a common cause,
Helping the less fortunate and the lost,
Are unsung heroes, never counting the cost.

The ship of Friendship is an Anchor:
More than any of the earthly ships we encounter;
For when it moves without our behest,
That’s when our true friends are manifest.

The ship of Lordship is our Confidence:
The one and only true reliance,
Through hardship, relationship, fellowship and friendships,
Our Lord is the captain of our ship

So as we ponder the start of today with glee,
And as we wish each other a Happy New Year for 2023,
May we daily pause and pray,
“Is my Lord happy with me today?


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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